Peter Shanosky

Former commercial lender, hospitality leader, and active writer. Writing on economics, business, society, culture, and classic fiction.

Current Projects
leaves on book
leaves on book

The Alpine Legacy - Coming Summer 2024

I strive to bring my readers the latest in economics, business, and financial news. My first novel, THE ALPINE LEGACY, is due for release in the summer of 2024. A second book is planned for 2025.

The Alpine Legacy

A suspense/horror taking a look at both the put-upon nature of hospitality workers and the internal conflicts one faces when confronted with deep personal trauma. Available Summer 2024.

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book
Medium Writing

Find my expository work and opinion pieces on current events through my Medium profile. My work covers everything from macroeconomic trends to the biggest issues facing society today. Feel free to reach out.

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book
For Projects

Looking for ghostwriting, editing, or expository writing services? Feel free to use the contact email at the bottom of this page. You can also reach out to me on LinkedIn.

About The Author

Pete worked in commercial lending for the majority of his career before finally starting to pursue his passions and talents in late 2020. His experience assisting businesses all across the country gave him firsthand exposure to a wide variety of individuals and industries.

Pete uses these experiences to bring both his fictional characters and informational writing alive by staying true to the passionate people who served as the inspiration for any given work. He currently lives in Broward County, Florida, with his better half, Carla, and their cat, Feathers.

a person using a laptop
a person using a laptop